Wellbeing of your animals

When I approach an animal, as with people, I take into consideration many factors that affect its lifestyle, beyond just the symptoms, albeit important and urgent.
Symptoms, as for humans, are often the manifestation of a different kind of disharmony such as:
A stressful life situation,
The arrival of a new animal and the possible related jealousy
The arrival of a new person in "his" territory
A move that has just taken place or any kind of change that you did not like.
An incorrect diet that contributes or triggers the problem.
and many other variables, because any type of change could trigger a mechanism that in the long run can be somatized and manifest itself in an evident and annoying way.
That is why nothing should be overlooked during the consultation and as much as possible should be investigated.
Acting on all levels is essential to restore general well-being in your pet, which is why it is very important to intervene quickly and obtain precise information on its moment of life.